4 Ways To Bring Your Business Up To Date

4 Ways To Bring Your Business Up To Date

With another year in sight, there is plenty to celebrate. Business is on the up and things are getting better again. You may have been in business for many years or just a few. You may now be thinking about what you can do to freshen your business and show the world what you are made of.

If you are thinking about updating your livery or freshening the look or image of your business, there are several things you can do. Not all of them fall under the marketing umbrella, so there are things you can try that won’t divert that essential marketing budget. However, marketing should be at the forefront of changes to your business to help your company give the right impression through every communication.

Here are our top tips to freshen your business, and give your image that almighty boost in a tricky market:

  1. Update your logo – Every major business has done it over the years, and no, it is not cheap to do. However, boosting your ident really can help give the impression that your business is up to date and successful. Manage the spending wisely to create a fresh, modern look. You will need to update your headed paper, brochures and advertising to incorporate the changes. To save money, try to time the launch of your new logo with low stock levels.
  2. New marketing campaign – Enter a new channel, or just try somewhere new to put an advert. If you haven’t used social media, now may be the time to develop a full multi-channel campaign that builds upon this network. Public transport advertising may be new to you, but can reach new customers with a new message very cheaply. Perhaps you can launch a viral campaign, with audience participation and a competition. The more involved the public are with your campaign, the wider the reach of your business.
  3. New premises – If your business is outgrowing its current home, you could look to move to a swanky new building. It may be your current building just needs a redesign and a facelift. Have a chat with a design company like Saracenoffice office refurbishment in London to get some great ideas about what can be done. Having a great office to do business from not only motivates staff but inspires business partners. If you are continuing to grow, you may want to incorporate design that allows for this. A great office building will also encourage high-calibre applicants during recruitment drives.


Thanks to Flickr.com for the photograph

  1. PR – The oldies are often the goodies. If you have a high calibre sales person or manager on board who can become your company spokesperson, you can change your business’s persona into that of a real person. Too many corporate images are of buildings and big, profit-hungry fatcats. With a company spokesperson on hand to network and take on media interviews, you can humanize your company. You may be able to build relationships with the media to provide specialist quotes and become an industry speaker.