The Biggest Costs Of A New Business And How To Keep Them Low
The biggest challenge for any business owner is balancing a small budget. It takes a while to get a new company off the ground and get the profit rolling in. It’s important to keep the costs low but the impact high. It’s a fine balancing act that requires skill and judgement. Many businesses crumble in their first year because they didn’t budget correctly. Their overheads got the better of them and low turnover was dwarfed by outgoings.
The secret is keeping the outgoings low. They say you have to spend money to make money. This is true, but only if you spend the money wisely. Money doesn’t automatically equal success. Instead you must spend a small amount in the right places. This article will examine the areas of business that gobble money. More importantly, we’ll let you in on some secrets to keeping the costs down.
Office space
Offices devour money faster than you could imagine. The energy bills alone will be enough to make you shudder. Then there’s rent payments, cleaning and maintenance. Ask yourself whether you need an office to begin with. Go as far as you can from home. When it comes to business premises, use a virtual office or share a small space with another startup. An office only really becomes necessary when you’re bringing staff on board.
Employees require a monthly salary which the business needs to find room for. Although people cost money, they are also the one thing that will help grow your business. They are a necessary investment. However, keep it small at first. Hire the very best and work to generate loyalty and passion to keep them. If money is tight, try offering them other incentives. Give them the space to grow and reward them with a great job title.
Equipment and tools
This will entirely depend on your industry. However, many businesses can’t get started without the right tools and equipment. In this case, it usually pays to buy the best you can afford. You’re looking for long term quality here. It might cost a little more at first, but you’ll save money down the line. Buy in bulk wherever possible. If you need a lot of equipment, think about working with a procurement company like IESA.
Traditionally, marketing was a highly expensive operation. This is what separated the big businesses from the small ones. It cost money to gain newspaper advertising space and billboards. The best PR companies were expensive, but effective. Nowadays, you needn’t spend half as much. Online marketing can be effective for a fraction of the price. It allows you to target a niche and gain dominance within a specific audience. Create a niche for yourself and exploit that. Your money will go much, much further when you do this. The internet has opened new ways for you to get heard. Be creative and find a unique way to sell your business.
Starting a business is easier and cheaper than ever before. Of course, you must still be very careful with costs and outgoings. The key to spending is intelligent and sensible costs. Invest in the future and only where necessary.