Category: Money

3 Ways to Guarantee A Steady Income Line As You Near Retirement Age

Nothing in life is for sure, except death, inevitably. However, since you’re not dead today, it’s important that you’re preparing for your life as time passes and you near retirement age. You’ve been working your entire life, feeding money into a system that you may or may not see money from in your future.

Why You Should Have a Credit Card

You may have overheard someone say once upon a time that there is no need to have a credit card.  Some people believe that if you don’t have the cash for something, then you shouldn’t be able to buy it at all.  Many believe that debt is enslavement for the modern man, however, some people

Money Management: Prepare Yourself For the Pitfalls

When it comes to money management, you want to think in two directions. One direction is going to be up – how to make money, save money, create value, and progress! And the other direction is down – you want to know how to manage money when the chips are scattered – bankruptcy, divorce, and

How Much Did You Win?

Mаnу people fantasize аbоut lоttеrу winnings аnd ѕреnd соuntlеѕѕ hours planning hоw they will ѕреnd their jасkроt. While bесоmіng a mіllіоnаіrе wоuld frее уоu frоm fіnаnсіаl problems, wіnnіng lаrgе ѕumѕ of money соuld bring mоrе рrоblеmѕ than ever imagined. 

The Realities and Many Misconceptions Behind IVAs

We live in a society where we share anything and everything. Information is easily solicited and readily provided. Despite the new and open atmosphere we have cultivated, debt remains one of the thorny issues that leaves us closed-mouthed. For some reason, it remains an uncomfortable taboo. We either refuse to talk about it openly or

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