Category: Office Life

Stay in reformed EU to keep economy on the right road, manufacturers say

An overwhelming majority of manufacturers believe it is vital that Britain remains as part of the European Union and that any new government plays “a leading role in Brussels”. The EEF said that 85 per cent of manufacturers believed that the national interest was best served by keeping the country in a reformed EU. Demands

Critics of Google back News Corp’s attack

naccountable bureaucracy” that stifles competition and promotes piracy? Google brushed off a blistering attack from News Corp yesterday, while critics in Europe welcomed the newspaper group’s surprise intervention. “Hip hip hooray,” one lobbyist in Brussels said. Rupert Murdoch, News Corp’s executive chairman, has been publicly critical of Google before — accusing it on Twitter of

Chinese demand puts Pashley back in the saddle

Britain’s oldest bicycle maker is enjoying a renaissance thanks to booming sales in China. Pashley Cycles is finding that its commitment to domestic manufacturing is being rewarded by growing demand from China, which boasts an estimated 500 million bikes. The company, founded in 1928 and based in Stratford-upon-Avon, is expanding into a second base in