Category: Tips

If A Deal Is Too Good To Be True, Read Reviews

So, you were told that a four-bedroom bungalow that ordinarily should cost thousands of dollars is available at a 70% discount, but that you have to immediately pay more than half of the money while you settle the rest in a week? Be careful before you rush into sealing such deals! Without discrediting good discounts

X alternative investments every investor should know about

Investing only seems like a pretty straightforward way to make money. It’s immensely complicated in its details but there’s a feeling there are only a few investments any businessperson can make – mostly stocks, mutual investment funds and possibly real estate.

Top Personal Finance and Investment Tips By Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet remains the world’s richest man and even if someone else were to take his place, his long-term standing as the richest man alive and the long-term investor of all times leaves everyone wishing they knew what the man knows. It is because of the hunger for wealth creation and investment in solid projects

Is over 50 life insurance with free gift worth it?

It’s always good to receive a welcome – at the very least, it shows that your presence is wanted. When a business gives you that welcome, it not only shows that your custom is wanted and valued, but that there is a commitment to delivering the service for which you have paid and the reassurance

The top things to invest in this year

Investing can bring highly fruitful financial returns… but, it should be emphasised, you need to be careful where exactly you invest. Investment advice website The Motley Fool says that you should look for businesses that have “a proven business model, a track record of success under a stellar management team, and catalysts that should help

Planning Ahead: The Benefits of Pension Consolidation in 2017

While the direct issue of pensions may not be one that dominated the 2017 general election, it is something that should remain a key concern for voters across the UK. The government’s recent Green Paper highlighted serious concerns about the future of defined benefit pension schemes, which continue to offer reduced value to clients while

Three Simple Ways to Top Up Your Income

Personal finance is an important subject, especially if you are looking for ways to increase your overall wealth. Luckily, there are numerous ways in which to make the most of the money in your bank, from cutting down on costs to investing. Here are three of them.

How To Prevent Costly Accidents

Accidents can happen anytime, and there are all kinds of them. You could have an accident at work, a slip and fall and your own home, or you could have one while you’re shopping at the grocery store. You can have an accident while you’re driving a car or while you’re riding a bike.

Bad Credit Car Loans Advice – FAQs

People often understandably, get concerned about whether or not they’ll be able to get a car loan with a bad credit history. Here are some frequently asked questions on the topic plus some advice.