Startup Tips: How To Make A Trade Fair Work For You
Marketing can be tough when you are a startup or a small company. You don’t have the resources to play along with the big boys, and it can be incredibly difficult to get your name out into the market. So, when it comes to getting new customers, your options could be limited. Especially if you are an online business whose market is spread across the country, or even the world. But there are solutions – and holding a stall at a trade fair is one of the best.
Trade shows can prove to be very useful for startups because you have so many people in the same room who could all have an interest in what you do. With this in mind, we thought we would take a quick look at some ideas that you can use to make your trade fair experience more valuable to your company. Read on to find out more.
Choose the right trade show
Of course, you have to go to the right trade show – there’s no point in bringing your knitting designs over to CES, for example. Unless, of course, you knit a mean Apple-themed pullover. It’s not only the industry you need to think about, either. When you are a small company, you might not stand a chance against the big players at a significant trade event. Those rooms are just huge, and it’s easy to get lost and overwhelmed. Also, the major shows often have a wider spread of attendees, while the smaller events can be more focused. So, choosing the right show for you – and at the right time for your business – is crucial.
Be prepared
Make sure every last person on the team knows what they should say to any potential customer. You will want your most confident people to do the talking, and ensure that they take down contact details for anyone expressing an interest. You should also have people ready to work the floor a bit. You just don’t know where you will be positioned at the show, and if you are in a corner far away from the main action, you may not see a lot of footfall. By getting people into the central ring, at least you will have a chance of meeting more people.
Give away stuff
People love free stuff. They don’t care if it’s old tat or a work of art; if it’s free, they will take it. And that gives you the perfect opportunity to spark up a conversation. See somebody looking for a pen? Grab one of your branded pens and give it to them, along with some headed paper. Busy mum with an upset child in tow? Hand over one of your printed balloons and see how grateful she is. You don’t have to be pushy about your product in cases like this, so just let the conversation flow naturally. And, when the time comes, that person might remember you – and get back to you with a proposal.
Of course, the main thing to remember is that as a startup, you need names and contact details of anyone you talk to. If you don’t get those at least, it will have been a wasted journey. All the best!