Tag: personal finance

Effective Banner Design: 5 Golden Rules

A banner is an effective publicity tool that can be created with a small budget, and minimal design experience. But not all banners are successful. While you do not have to be a design expert, you do need to understand how banners are effective and the rules for creating a standout banner. Find out the

Bad Credit Car Loans Advice – FAQs

People often understandably, get concerned about whether or not they’ll be able to get a car loan with a bad credit history. Here are some frequently asked questions on the topic plus some advice.

4 Ways To Cut Your Spending Down

Many people would like to cut back on their monthly expenses and feel that there are areas which they could be spending more conservatively. The mistake many people make when looking for where the problem areas are is that they look for large payments to get rid of when in reality the biggest culprits are

5 Ways To Put More Money Towards Savings

When it comes to putting money away for savings some of us can get so caught up in our daily lives that we can often brush aside the importance of thinking about the future. Putting away savings ensures that you have a nice amount to fall back onto in case of emergency or an unexpected

Top Money-Making Marketing Tactics Everyone Should Know

Marketing is a world that is wide opened to interpretations and specialties. Drawing the interest of buyers is not the easiest job in the world, but it is much easier with a working knowledge of people and product. First and foremost, marketing is a social science.

3 Smart Financial Moves For Your 20’s

A lot of people wait until their older years to start focusing on smart financial moves and strategies, allowing themselves to enjoy the freedom of their 20’s.  While this can be a nice luxury, its also important to understand that in terms of your financial future, the early bird always gets the worm.

Why People’s Debt Can Increase After Kids

Some people have perfectly good credit scores and have a great financial situation until the day they become parents. People with kids are statistically shown to carry a significantly greater amount of debt. This comes a no surprise of course since they are welcoming a new mouth to feed into their household. Studies show that

5 Options To Help Control Your Financial Portfolio

No one ever said that handling money was easy. And in today’s world of instant online transactions, automated direct deposit and bill pay, plus everything that goes into every credit score, it can be more confusing than ever.

4 Tips For Avoiding Credit Scams

Nothing can be more jolting than looking at your balance statement and seeing that there are charges that have been made that you had nothing to do with. All too often people aren’t aware that the scam is going on until it’s much too late and the damage has been done.